Doug & Todd Black Retirement Auction
Inspection dates:
Tuesday, November 26 from 12-1pm
Monday, December 2 from 12-1pm
Load out: Wednesday, December 4 from 10am-2pm
Sale Manager: Doug Sheridan- 517-749-7976
This auction will feature grouped lot endings. Like kind items will be grouped together with the same ending time and overtime extension. Item groups are listed in the lot details. This will be in addition to our usual staggered endings and overtime extension.
This auction features staggered endings. For example, 3 lots per minute will close one lot every 20 seconds, 6 lots per minute will close one lot every 10 seconds. All lots will still have the 5 minute auto extend.
This auction will close 3 lots per minute, starting at 1pm.
7010 hours showing,
recently put injection pump on this spring. Green star ready, ATU 200 steering wheel for auto steer.
9427 hours showing,
3pt, pto, quick hitch, 3 remotes, Green star ready, ATU 200 steering wheel for auto steer.
newer front tires.
Control box for the planter sells with the planter
bin extension, Green star ready, current separator hours show 1628 separator, 2813 engine hours.
Seller would like to reserve the separator machine until 2pm on Wednesday December 4 to help load the heads on to buyer header carts.
Lots 12-15 are linked together with the same end time and auto-extend. They will not close until there has been no bids on any of these lots for a full five minutes.
knife rolls, JD ploy snouts, pto drive shafts
Lots 12-15 are linked together with the same end time and auto-extend. They will not close until there has been no bids on any of these lots for a full five minutes.
SCH cutting bar system, installed last year. single point hook up and PTO shaft drive. Header cart NOT included
Lots 12-15 are linked together with the same end time and auto-extend. They will not close until there has been no bids on any of these lots for a full five minutes.
cart has been extended to fit 35ft head. Grain head NOT included
Lots 12-15 are linked together with the same end time and auto-extend. They will not close until there has been no bids on any of these lots for a full five minutes.
15in spacing, 1200 gallon aluminum tank, Raven GPS, 80ft booms,
raven sprayer control
6641 hours showing, 6 way blade
42 inch bucket and hydraulic thumb, showing 8653 hours
Lots 18 and 18A are linked together with the same end time and auto-extend. They will not close until there has been no bids on any of these lots for a full five minutes.
Lots 18 and 18A are linked together with the same end time and auto-extend. They will not close until there has been no bids on any of these lots for a full five minutes.
showing 732,163 miles, Cummins ISX, Wet kit, Emission system has been deleted and horsepower bumped to 525 hp.
sells subject to fall harvest additional hours
Subject to MI 6% sales tax, $75 broker fee, and $15 title fee
30 ton, hydraulic detach, the pony motor does not work.
Subject to 6% MI sales tax, $75 broker fee and $15 title fee
Model #DWH-400C, roll tarp.
Subject to MI 6% sales tax, $75 broker fee, and $15 title fee
Two axle, with lift axle. Roll tarp, Cummins engine, 10 speed Eaton Fuller Trans.
Subject to MI 6% sales tax, $75 broker fee, and $15 title fee
front auxiliary hydraulics, 12 wide track, 72 inch material bucket, joystick control, Bobtach quick attach, showing 1238.3 hrs subject to daily use.
does not have a door or A/C,
manual dump box, only 4363 miles, 438.5 hours, sells subject to daily use.
Subject to 6% MI sales tax, $75 broker fee and $15 title fee
Model # 4212-16
Serial # 4294-057
13 shank, with leveler
36ft wide, rear plumbing and hitch. quick change shovels,
Serial # 1394
28ft, Rockflex, rear plumbing and hitch.
9 inch disc spacing
liquid fertilizer, in furrow, finger pickup, sells with corn meters, and bean meters, hydraulic drive. row sweeps, no monitor.
Drum diameter- 36 inches
bought new is 2022, less than 300 acres. with light package and mud scraper.
4000 lb capacity, gas
5474 hours showing, 4x4, extendahoe, smooth rear bucket,
Seller would like to reserve the use of this loader until Wednesday, December 4th 2pm to help load other items in the auction. Thank you for your cooperation.
Pin Hitch, ground driven, hydraulic dump
Rear 3-Point Hitch, rear PTO, front suitcase weights. diesel,
TA does not work
14 ft cut, dual blade
Model # GC472
500 bushel capacity,
72 inch, fits Case 580 series.
8 inch drain tile.
12in and 14in assorted drain tile with misc fittings.
serial # PCS161B530490
2023, SF1,
Precision Ag
serial # PCGT3TA664996
serial # PCGU26H218078
part # PF81185
SF1 activated
serial # PCGU26H171686
part # PF81185
not activated
3 inch
1 camera
12 hole rims
one is unused.